Saturday, October 31, 2009

BCTLA Conference: Champions of Literacy

The BCTLA Conference, Champions of Literacy, held in Richmond was launched with much revelry at the Richmond Speedskating Oval. Here's our Sylvia cavorting with critters. Photos might also appear here of some of us preferring to hobnob with Roch Carrier!
Pat P and I presented our new website, everything you need to know to prevent Plagiarism. Then it was off to Victoria for our appearance in the Leg (Ledge).
Designing the Future: Watch this space for highlights of the 21-day online conference on library design, YSL3: Designing the Future, which is where I have been hanging out when not keeping up with the blogging. Very interesting stuff. Vancouver attendees found it very worthwhile.
When Meredyth asked in her comments on this blog if I had gone to a higher plane with technology, the answer is yes. For a little insight, check out video clips of Stephen Heppell, Alan November, Randall Fielding, and others at the MobileLearningInstitute: A 21st Century Education. That's where I have been and I am thinking about getting a camera assistant to record my more profound thinking on the direction for school libraries. When not looking for directions TO school libraries, I tend to drive and think about the job. Yes, it's a whole new place for us Designing TLs.

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