Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Great Start to 2011 ...

The Points of Inquiry - Thanks, Kevin!
Winnipeg School Division's TL Consultant Kevin Mowat sent out the following review last week:

(Ekdahl, M., M. Farquharson, J. Robinson, L. Turner. 2010. The Points of Inquiry: A Framework for In-formation Literacy and the 21st Century Learner. Vancouver, BC: British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association.)

Good morning WSD Teacher Librarians

Framed in the publication of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL, 2009), Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action, the works of Wiggins and McTighe, “Backward Design with the end in mind” (2005), and Barbara Stripling’s, “Using inquiry to explode myths about learning and libraries” (2004), the British Columbia Teacher Librarian’s Association (2007) has developed a framework for teaching information literacy in BC’s 21st Century educational context (p.3) - A scholarly work with implications for practice and well worth the read… .

Congratulations to our school library colleagues in British Columbia for this paramount document of school library pedagogy and student learning!


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