Friday, March 18, 2011

With Permission, District Librarian Suzanne Responds:

Any Bets on Whether She Gets Printed?

To the Editor [of The Vancouver Courier]:

Mark Hasiuk has done it again [see next post for link to Hasiuk's most recent column and for the real story about what's happening in VSB school libraries], writing another attention-seeking column short on both comprehension and compassion. He describes being “harshly” (though justly, I might add) criticized by teacher-librarians for his previous column on book banning, an unfounded and ridiculous personal opinion piece masquerading as journalism. His latest column shows his true goal all along: to attack and demean the work of the Diversity Team.

Truly, it is hard to imagine how anyone could begrudge time and attention given to developing school cultures that make all students feel safe and valued. To supporting and protecting our most vulnerable students. To preventing child abuse. To combating racism, sexism, and homophobia. In short, to teaching the skills and attitudes needed to function peaceably and effectively in our multicultural and democratic society.

So I ask myself about Mr. Hasiuk’s hidden agenda and ulterior motives. Why is he singling out and belittling the educators whose programs are designed to create strong citizens and to prevent our students – the community’s children – from suffering, unsupported and alone? Who does benefit from that?

Suzanne Hall
District Librarian, Maple Ridge
District Facilitator: Mentoring
Chair of Professional Development Committee, M.R.T.A.

PS: Since you [Editor, Courier] completely edited out the main point of my previous letter (reminder: has the man actually read any children’s literature – classic or modern - within the last four decades?), I will also be publishing this letter through my own channels of communication. That way, if you do happen to publish this, the readers I can reach on my own can compare versions. Thought it was fair to let you know.

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