Apologies for the clogged blog. No matter how hard I try today, I can't create space between paragraphs. I am resorting to using hyphens to create spaces between ... can anyone offer advice on how to avoid this slight impediment to joyful blogging?
I am still not sure how many members of my teacher-librarian community are able to access this blog at their school library workstation as the battle to inoculate our schools' computers, one by one, continues across the district.
Last week's blog began the description of some of the issues. Our TL Studio 1 session, a technology "sandbox" for educators exploring new and not-so-new technology applications that enhance teaching and learning -- cancelled! And, despite rumours there might be a delay, we were paid!
Tech 2.0 -- And Sustainability Too!
Optimistically a group of educators (teachers, consultants, and administrators) plough on with planning for the retrieved / reprieved Technology 2.0, a day-long professional development opportunity now under the Learning Services umbrella, to be held at Magee Secondary on February 20. The keynote speaker is the upbeat Dr Jason Ohler whose morning sessions, as described in last week's blog, will explore the ways technology has broadened our notions of what it means to be "literate" in the 21st Century. To quote Dr Margaret Early, LLED, UBC, on the subject of the multiliteracies, it is no longer sufficient for our students to be "merely literate."
Half of the earliest 30 + registrants are teacher-librarians, so I'm a happy consultant. We are a group well practised is in the arts of inter-site communication as this is our TL/special community. I am now emailing and then running to send a FAX to all schools as one can't trust that everyone has access to an inoculated computer. We have also had an incredible amount of turnover this year, so old technology such as the FAX machine is actually a reminder of the need to stop once in a while to pick up our newest ones, to gather them into the electronic "gaggle."
We have every reason to believe there will be no issues with the actual technology at Magee which is largely restored to service now ... but has despondency set in amongst the rank-and-file irrevocably? The organizing committee doesn't think so. For that reason we have arranged some afternoon "sandbox" sessions, most of which are now online. Register for the morning and choose one session for the afternoon, if you want to get involved with more.
You can register for Technology 2.0 Day with Dr Jason Ohler and check out the various afternoon Sandbox sessions by clicking onto Current Pro D Opportunities on the VSB website. Scroll down to the bottom of the Pro D page ... the last option is Tech 2.0. Or click here for more information on and registration for Dr Ohler's morning session. If you are reading this blog, you can complete the online registration! If you are not reading this blog, I will simply have to FAX you and use up more paper ... which brings me to the sub-theme of this Day.
We are short on time. This is a Day retrieved by busy educators who want to encourage others to use technology in their teaching and learning in spite of the obstacles it will inevitably impose. And we are practicing sustainability. Given the shortage of time to organize (we began for last year's event organizing in October), you can expect a "barebones" approach, certain economies with this Tech 2.0 Day, not the least of the economies is in paper and food. No name tags, no program, very little signage ... but there will be a list of registrants, sign-in, muffins and coffee in the morning, print instructions for locating your afternoon sessions, and helpful student helpers wearing Magee T-shirts!
Might we suggest you plan to brown-bag it for lunch? Bring your own water, or juice. We are considering ordering in pizza for those who might prefer to buy on-site. There will be an hour for lunch which isn't much time to get into Kerrisdale and grab something, if you are coming back for a Sandbox session.
Why Sandbox Sessions?
Sandbox is a term used in particular technology applications where you can go to practice the application, try it out, before committing to acquiring your own version of the own program. It is safe, secure, non-threatening, just-for-fun ... and any online definition I found made it sound more complicated and was more jargonistically and technically exclusive than it really is.
What is the difference between a Sandbox and the usual workshops at District Days? Perhaps a better way to describe a Sandbox is a safe and welcoming environment for interactive exploration with like-minded educators on the topic of a particular technology or genre. These are less structured, less passive, less "practical" (no handout, no tool or handout you can use tomorrow). We hope they are more supportive, more personal, and more engaging.
Still to come into the online registration format (because they take a while to write and submit and post) are Sandbox sessions for Newbies and Moodlers and Digital Storytellers, as well as ESL teachers who are users or prospective users of Rosetta Stone. You can learn about Web 2.0 with TLs, Ubuntu Linux with Alan Z, contribute to a discussion about technology planning for the district, check out the latest in Smartboards or in technologies that work with Special Needs students.
PSSSST: Because, as TLs, you are linked daily and systemically by technology, you probably are more likely than many of your colleagues to have "registered online" for workshops. To help promote Technology Day and to build those all-important links around service to teachers (as per Henri), why not offer to help your colleagues register by showing them how to do it? Or if you know of some TLs who are not able to get the blog and might therefore not have the opportunity to find out about Tech 2.0, the day with Dr Ohler, and the afternoon sandbox with Sandra Lee, why not give them a call, and remember that, to promote this Day, you can emphasize that ...
... it's FREE for Vancouver educators.
SLRCCC and Teacher Inquiry Project
"Slirk" meets on Monday morning. This month's topic, postponed from January due to technology issues, will be the new 3 Rs of School Libraries: Reading, Research, and Resources. Of course, we will announce the TLs' successful application for an Inquiry into Inquiry project here in the district.
New Mr Gumdrop
The new Mr Gumdrop dropped by this week. As I know many of you like to shop on site with Mr Gumdrop, it is good news to know that, since Lawrence has moved to Gumdrop Ontario, he is now replaced. New rep, same products.
Things are humming here at the Mothership. I am looking forward to relaxing soon with Winter Tonic, Dr Leu, and TL Studio 2 at Gladstone on Wednesday after school this week. Pat? See you then. Yes, Gladstone's Library computers are up and running. Oh ye of little faith, there really is a DOG!
See you here next week! I'm off to sign up for Tech 2.0 with Dr Ohler and Sandra Lee now.
That's strange about spacing-I just hit return and I can get spaces.
What browser are you working with? I find Firefox or Safari give me the best results. Haven't had any trouble with spacing either.
Hi Lesley: Good to know that. After all the pages of blog I've loaded, it seems weird it would start up now ... probably should complain to blogger! Anyone from North Van coming to Winter Tonic, do you know? We usually see some.
Haven't heard if any NVan TLs are going to Winter Tonic but then I haven't had my ear to the ground of late.
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