Thursday, February 24, 2011

Freedom to Read Week / Yes Oui

Freedom to read can never be taken for granted.  Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border.  Books are removed from the shelves in Canadian libraries, schools and bookstores every day.  Free speech on the Internet is under attack.  Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read.  Thank goodness we read in Vancouver and not in places where this right is taken away.  Yay!!!  This is ...


And in other news, from Field Agent Mark at Cunningham, a great source of relevant and thought-provoking readings for you to share:  Young Learners Need Librarians, Not Just Google by Mark Moran ( 3/22/10).  Do share this as, you see, my sharing it with you is preaching to the converted.  We get it.  My blog is not solely for TLs.  The District's Digital Library is not solely the property of the school library.  The work we TLs do supports every teacher and child in the school -- the books, databases, media collection, digital tools and resources, as well as our expertise -- all are for supporting teaching and learning in classrooms and at home.  We do not own the books and online resources -- they are not library resources but learning resources. 

Why do I need to say this, you ask?  Stay tuned. 

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