Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More Chilling News Today

Chilling plot to eliminate school libraries has been under way since 2001, newly released evidence shows.  Teachers are still being laid off and school district staff and resources are still being cut under these Draconian measures in which, it turns out, the provincial government intentionally sought to strip the best aspects of our education system from BC children and eliminate jobs to garner Machiavellian savings at the cost to our youngest citizens and public sector educators and support workers.

Check the links in Janet Steffenhagen's Report Card blog, Motivation for BC class size / composition changes in 2002 (May 10, 2011) for the email correspondence used in evidence in the recent Charter challenge: 
The BCTF has provided the following background documents that were entered as evidence during the trial over Bills 27 and 28 (which removed from contract the BCTF's ability to negotiate class size, composition and specialst teacher ratios) ....

We specialist teachers await the remediation, the restoration of our ranks, the 25% of TLs and school library services lost in 10 years.   Take your response to the ballot box, West Siders.

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